
Monday, June 29, 2020

Why we should eat more vegetables

Why we should eat more vegetables

Vegetables are an important part of the human diet as they provide
many of the nutrients that the human body needs to survive, but
some people eat less vegetables then they should. These are four
reasons why you should eat more vegetables.

Vegetables contain many nutrients that help the human body stay
alive and healthy, here are some very nutritious foods, potatoes,
(Potatoes contain 3 grams of protein and contain 32% of a normal
humans vitamin C needs.) Spinach, (One cup of raw spinach contains
7 calories 0.86 grams of protein, 30 milligrams of calcium, 0.81 g of
iron, 24 mg of magnesium, 167 mg of potassium, 2,813 international
units of Vitamin A, 58 micro-grams of folate.) Kale, (kale gives you
200% of your daily amount of vitamin C and 199% of your daily
amount of vitamin A.) Lastly carrots. (A single carrot contains 334%
of an average human's daily amount of vitamin A.)

Average consumption of vegetables
The average amount of vegetables consumed per day by an average
New Zealander is three servings of vegetables compared to the
average Americans 1 and a half cups of vegetables per day. While
Greece consumes over 200 Kgs of vegetables per year.

Stages of vegetable growth
Vegetables have to grow before we can eat them, so here's the stages
of growth of one type of healthy food. Here are the stages of growth
for a potato. The first stage of growth for a potato is called sprout
development, in this stage the young potato grows its main stem out
of the ground as well as a few short roots. The second stage of potato
growth involves the potato growing longer roots and growing stems
and leaves. The third stage of potato growth tiny potatoes form on the
roots. In the fourth stage the potato flowers and the subterranean
potatoes bulk up. In the final stage the above ground part of the
potato dies and the bellow ground potatoes prepare to enter stage 1
of potato growth.

How vegetables help the human body
Vegetables help the human body by providing essential nutrients and
vitamins that keep your body alive, and if you don't eat vegetables
you will die a slow death from malnutrition.

In conclusion, vegetables are an important part of the human diet and
you should eat more vegetables because they are healthy and good
for you.

By Rata

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Matariki Star

Matariki Star 

Today we were forced to colour in a Matariki star using simplified  fractions to tell us what colour to use, here is the final result.