
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Trench Warfare

Trench Warfare 
Trench warfare was the main strategy in World War 2 but was not the only
strategy in play, in this explanation the strategies and things that made war
hard will be explained.

Trenches warfare in World War 2 

Trench warfare was mainly used in World War 2 by the non
German/Italian/Japanese and had a lot of problems. Trench warfare was
mainly defensive and made battles take far longer and  created no man's land
between the trenches. Also the trenches used by the non-Germans had poor
living conditions and usually flooded when it rained. German trenches on the
other hand had far better living conditions as the walls of their trenches were
usually covered with wooden planks and the areas where the men slept had
basic beds.


Blitzkrieg was created by the Germans in World War 2, it was the opposite of
trench warfare as blitzkrieg was designed to get battles finished as fast as
possible. Blitzkrieg used armoured vehicles, tanks and bombings from planes
to get across no mans land as fast as possible while minimising loss of
soldiers and equipment. Blitzkrieg allowed the Germans to gain lots of land in
World War 2.
No Man's Land in World War two 

No man's land was the area in between trenches, it was usually as muddy
blood stained mess as artillery shells landed there. Usually the only scenery
was dead trees, corpses and lines of barbed wire placed by the forces in the
trenches. Soldiers ran across no man's land to try to capture the opposing
forces trenches.

Diseases and other things that made a soldiers life hard in
World War two

Trenches in world war two were ravaged by disease and other things that
made life hard. Imagine having your feet wet all the time, this is what most
trenches were like, this caused trench foot a disease that caused swelling,
pain and sensory disturbances and can lead to damage to the blood vessels,
nerves, skin, and muscle. Rats were horrible in trenches, they ate corpses,
spread disease and kept soldiers awake at night by knocking over tin cans
while trying to get into them. Soldiers also were not allowed to kill them as it
was considered a waste of ammunition. 


In conclusion trench warfare is an outdated form of warfare that causes many
casualties that could've been avoided while making life hell to everyone who
was in a trench.

By Rata  

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