Yesterday my class had a gaming day, because we won a nation wide competition, where some people from Esports Whangarei came up with some PCs for the day and let us use them. I enjoyed playing games on the PCs. They were supposed to teach us stuff but they only said stuff I already knew. I would like to thank the people from Esports Whangarei.
Tuesday, December 14, 2021
Friday, October 1, 2021
Refugee Novel
This term at school we have been reading a novel called Refugee by Alan Gratz. It is about three different refugees trying to find a safe place to stay in three different time periods. This is the paths they took.
Thursday, September 16, 2021
For the past few days we have been working on a scratch project to show transformation in maths.
Tuesday, August 10, 2021
Monday, August 9, 2021
Friday, August 6, 2021
Book Day
This week at school there there was a book week, there was lots of fun activities like stop, drop and read, as well as a book swap. On Friday there was a book dress up day, and here is an image similar to the best costume.

Friday, July 30, 2021
Refugee Graphic Novel
This term Room 3 is learning about refugees, here are some screenshots from a graphic novel telling the story of a refugee we read.
Monday, June 14, 2021
Get Into Gaming NZ
Thursday, May 6, 2021
This is a piece of work I did about native birds recently, hope you enjoy looking at it!
Find the answers to these questions about NZ birds. You cannot use Wikipedia and you must source (tell me where you found) your information. I have included some websites HERE that might help you. List your sources in this table: INFORMATION SOURCES. | |
| |
| falcon |
| Its extinct |
| native and restricted to a certain place living or occurring in the open sea a group of one or more populations of an organism or organisms seen by taxonomists to form a unit. |
| Wood hen |
| Length 50-60 cm Weight 430-1400 |
| Moa, Haast's eagle, Huia |
| Kiwi, Kakapo, Kea |
| Kokako coffee |
| Callaeas |
| Brown Kiwi. Okarito Brown Kiwi. Tokoeka.Little Spotted Kiwi. Great Spotted Kiwi. |
| 300 grams. |
| 4-6 eggs every year |
| Whio. |
| Kea |
What are the birds main predators? | Penguins Fur seals |
| They both have red beaks, the both have red legs and they both have eyes. The takahe weights 2-3 kgs, the pukeko can fly and the takahe is only found in the south island. |
| Takahe, brown kiwi, little spotted kiwi and great spotted kiwi. |
| Huia |
| Kokako saddleback |
| Callaeidae |
| |
| Penguin 4000-5000 |
| The world's oldest tui video |
Thursday, April 15, 2021
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
This poem is about the influenza epidemic in 1918 in NZ and Tainui women, Te Puea Herangi who found and cared for 100 orphans.
Tuesday, March 30, 2021
The Valley
Three birds flew through the air fluttering around an ancient statue before one of them went back to its nest in the statue's monstrous mouth and fed its chicks. The other birds continued to fly around and chase each other until it started to rain lightly in the valley, refreshing all the plants that lay hidden underground waiting for the right moment to sprout as well as the dense forests that lay at the edge of the valley.
The little birds fluttered home to their nests inside an old wooden hut where more of the statues stood, it looked like they were in the middle of something important but got frozen in time. In one of the dense forests a boar sniffed the ground trying to find itself a meal amongst the giant trees and their wide branches. It passed a statue that has one of the trees grown around it. This one was kneeling with its eyes closed and its hands together as if it was beckoning someone to come and free it.
The boar spotted its meal, a group of mushrooms hidden under the roots of an old gnarly oak. He started digging them out as the rain began to fall and he noticed a squirrel running around frantically as it gathered acorns and carried them away into its hollow up the ancient tree. The boar trotted away from the oak taking a mental note of its location as it walked away into the shadows of the trees as the rain finally managed to squirm its way through the dense canopy of fresh green leaves.
A herd of horses galloped across the open fields frolicking in the light rain and enjoying the fun with their foals.
Thursday, March 25, 2021
The Tsunami
It was that time again… Our annual surfing trip to Raglan. While my parents packed up the suitcases and loaded up the car for the long journey ahead, we chatted excitedly about what an incredible holiday this was going to be!
Not too long into the journey, the beautifully clear, blue sky became dark and ominous. All of a sudden, crashing towards the long line of traffic, was a colossal wave – not the kind you’d want to catch on a board either…
Desperately, people raced wildly out of their cars, running, screaming and panicking yet as I looked to my left, I saw a man with his surfboard riding the wave until it picked up a car that crashed into him, turning him into a pink stain in the raging water. We continued to drive away from the wave but it was gaining on us and soon it grabbed our car and shook it around like an angry toddler. Inside the car it was like a washing machine as we spun around while water flooded in. SNAP my arm broke when I got slammed into the roof and shards of glass cut my body and gorged one of my eyes out.
I managed to get out of the car and swim to the surface before I drowned only to see the corpses of my parents floating face down in the crimson water. After a few hours the warmth started to leave me and I slowly drifted to a blissful sleep.