
Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Agent Slug

I sat in my prison with the slater wondering how I got here. I was spying
on the group of interest when a girl with long tangled hair and sweaty
greasy hands grasped my elegant slimy body and put me in a cramped
container with tasty lettuce.

The next day the sweaty boys mother and brother got me a friend, a
nice slater we talked for awhile when the giant structure we were in
stopped moving and the sweaty boy (who now had dirt and filth in his
hair) picked me up and began walking to a new mega structure.

When I was inside the nice brother tried to take a picture of me, but
the sweaty boy kept on ruining the photos so the nice brother walked

Now I sit in the container wondering what to do. I couldn't break the
walls, they were too hard, all I could do was wait. So I waited for days
on end until one night the sweaty boy forgot to close the lid and I

By Rata

1 comment:

  1. I love the creativity of this story idea - perhaps inspired by the slug Awa brought to class today? It is great there was an escape!
