
Monday, May 4, 2020

Left Behind Part 5

I was assigned a role as a gardener in the eastern side of the Mariana. When I was working I found out that there were only 23 people in the Mariana and everyone knew each other. I wondered how this was made by so few people. 
During my first dinner people asked me what my name was and why I wasn't talking. I unravelled the scarf that hid my mouth before I opened my mouth to reveal my mutated mouth. I was capable of splitting my lower jaw in half to swallow large things and I lacked a tongue.
Before anyone could say anything I grabbed a piece of paper and wrote ¨ I lost my ability to speak my I was younger.¨
I wrapped the scarf back around my head and grabbed some food before walking out of the room and hiding in the gardens. I took the scarf off and pulled the bones out of my fish before I dropped it down my throat. After my meal I climbed to my room on the second floor and before I went inside I saw another person, I ran up to them and wrote ¨How was this boat made by so few people?¨ 


1 comment:

  1. Wow what an interesting beginning to a story Rata, You sound like an interesting character. What terrible thing to happen to your (the characters) face, I could only imagine how it would be to have a mouth like that. I'm curious to know how the boat was made too and what kind of gardening you (the character does) and learn more about the eastern side of the Mariana.
